OSG:HSS End Mills
★:A part of the product is stock of specified distributor.
EX-TIN-LS-REBS Roughing End Mills TiN coated Ball-end with Long Shank |
EX-TIN-REXL Roughing End Mills TiN coated Extra Long |
EX-XLS-REE Roughing End Mills with Extra Long Shank |
REEL Roughing End Mills Long |
REES Roughing End Mills Short |
RFB Roughing & Finishing End Mills Ball-end |
XLS-REB Roughing & Finishing End Mills Ball-end |
EX-REES ★Roughing End Mills Short |
EX-REEL ★Roughing End Mills Long |
EX-REXL ★Roughing End Mills Extra Long |
EX-TIN-RELF ★Roughing Fine Pitch End Mills TiN coated |
RFE ★Roughing & Finishing End Mills |
RFEL ★Roughing & Finishing End Mills Long |
VLS-XPM-RESF ★XPM Roughing Fine Pitch End Mills |
VP-RESF ★XPM Roughing Fine Pitch End Mills V coated Short |